
Father’s Day Wooden Frame


Father’s Day Wooden Frame is one of the most unique and special gifts that can be presented to fathers, this Father’s Day 2023. Made with the finest quality wood with a customized message and memorable picture carved on it. Order now from our website, because it is a best seller and running out of stock already. Delivering everywhere in Pakistan. Get yours now.

Orders are open till 18th June 2023. For Karachiites, we are offering special delivery on Father’s Day, 17th of June or Father’s Day midnight.



Father’s Day Wooden Frame

Father’s Day 2023 is just around the corner, J’s Store for that purpose has introduced a variety of Father’s Day Gift Boxes. However, for those who want to go for something completely personalized J’s Store has launched Father’s Day Wooden Frame.
This, Father’s Day Wooden Frame is not some ordinary frame with brown borders, having some pictures underneath the glass. For the manufacturing of this frame, we have used finest quality wood. What makes this frame more unique is the engravement of a customized message and picture. Given all that personalization, this frame screams love and warmth. You can select your favorite picture with your dad and we will carve it on the frame. Better idea, gift this frame to the men who just became fathers to make their first Father’s Day more special. Get the father and child’s first picture together engraved and gift it to him. The smile that will appear is going to be so worth it.
You can also pair this frame with any of our Father’s Day Gift Baskets from Father’s Day Gifts collection.

Orders are open till 18th June 2023. For Karachiites we are offering special delivery on the Father’s Day, 17th of June or Father’s Day midnight.

Order now in Pakistan. You can place your orders on our Facebook and Instagram page.


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